wan-na find something?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

hello, i am gru. and these are my minions.

halloween this year was full of fun and packed with activity from beginning to end.

the bean's school doesn't do costumes, but loosened the dress code for the day to allow the kids to wear orange tops and jeans.  you can see how happy she was about this.

as for me, i headed to an early barre class to get my sweat on for the day...in costume.  

then it was back home to jam ten pb&j sandwiches together for the bean's class party.  they'd just read miss spider's tea party, so that was the theme for the day.

the classroom was all decked out for the party, and the parents did a great job of contributing some pretty fantastic things for the event.

 the kids had decorated hats to wear during the party.

and everyone, parents and kids alike, oohed and ahhed over the cool effect that the dry ice added to the table.

selfies with both the bean and the teen, who'd made it over to help out for a while before heading off to work for a grueling 2:00-10:00 shift.

after school, it was time for hula.  because she's been doing so well and strutted her stuff at the recital, her teachers and i decided to test her out to see how she might do in the next level up.  it's technically for kids 8-10 years old, but based on her skills and retention, she's definitely ready.

despite her happy smile in this picture, she wasn't happy that we totally ran out of time to carve her pumpkin.  sorry, kid, them's the breaks.

although when it was time for trick-or-treating, she cheered up and posed for pictures with her crazy parents.

 the haul.

all's well that ends well.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...