wan-na find something?

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

it's sew cool!

seriously, the commercials during kids' shows are gonna be the death of me. although i suppose this has been a conundrum for parents as long as there's been kids' tv, right? i totally remember watching ads for things like the snoopy snow cone machine and the newest barbie and being all, "I WANT THAT!" heh.

well of course, the bean is no exception. and with the day off yesterday from school, plus the blow of having to take her beloved grandparents to the airport, i figured it was a good time to finally take some stuff back to target so she could pick out some things to exchange them for. 

as we perused the toy section at a nice, leisurely pace, i found myself still falling victim to those damn barbie commercials. we'd just seen one for this fun-looking hairstyling barbie:

i mean, come ON. how fun does that look - you can use the little curling irons to curl barbie's hair! but we weren't there for ME, and the bean is no barbie fan, so we moved on. 

she actually already knew what she wanted thanks to those infernal commercials, so she zeroed in on the coveted toy and found it on sale. score!  we walked around a little more, stopping in the books section to do a little reading. she spent a good bit of time reading two books to me as we sat down in the aisle. 

those are super cute books, by the way. we were both fully entertained. 

back at home, she sat down to finish her homework before getting to crack open the new toy at last.

that's right, folks. she's following in her mama's footsteps and tiptoeing her way into the world of sewing. this little battery-operated gadget sews cute little projects made of special fabric that requires no thread. 

after going through the instructions and letting her mother give it a try first (you know, so she could see what it looked like and all), she tried her hand at it. and did a mighty fine job. 

first project: this cute little stuffed cupcake pillow. 

i personally love this photo:

she decided to make a second pillow, and completed it in no time. 

i kinda hope this new hobby sticks. i'd love for her to get into real sewing one day...there's at least one local place i know of where she can take a basic class. i guess we'll have to see if she decides she wants to give it a shot. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I'm impressed that she picked something so practical rather than some plastic junky something that would end up falling out of favor in a matter of weeks. Smart kid!


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