wan-na find something?

Friday, December 26, 2014

happy trails to you...

the last couple of weeks with our elfette absolutely flew by.  i hate to admit it, but i actually kind of miss the little shit.  the challenge of finding new situations to find her in for the third year in a row was a little daunting, but making a list of fun ideas i found via pinterest really helped.  i'd just whip out my phone, open the list, and pick something to do - easy peasy.

our travel scrabble board really came in handy one night, and the bean really liked reading the message pixie brought back from the north pole.

the morning of our trip to see the nutcracker found pixie in a tutu and doing her best ballerina impression.

she also kinda looks like she needs to take a few xtend barre classes.

her new puffer vest kept her warm and cozy as she hung out next to the ketchup in the fridge.

and she was all ready for some sunday afternoon football in her game day jersey.  she even busted out some sweet cheer moves.

...but first, let me take a selfie.

upon closer inspection of pixie's artwork, the bean came to the conclusion that pixie really wants a boyfriend.  oy vey.

that little bitch got into my makeup - my brand new naked on the run palette, to be exact.  hmph.

i don't know about you, but personally i was hoping hello kitty would take her ass in this sack race.

her gift wrapping skills leave quite a lot to be desired.  good thing she wasn't in charge of any real presents.

she had quite the captive audience for a dramatic reading of "jingle bells."

piloting is not pixie's strong suit.  she crash-landed her snazzy red plane onto the top of our christmas tree.

the final farewell...for this year, at least.  she put on her puffer vest and boots in preparation for the trip back to the north pole, but left presents for all four of us in her wake.

and as always, the bean got to spend a few minutes giving her a goodbye hug and kiss.  it was really sweet, and a little sad too.

i wonder how many more holiday seasons we'll spend with our elfette.  i really hope the magic lasts for a long time to come.  till next november...buh-bye, pixie.

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

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