wan-na find something?

Monday, December 8, 2014

instant air freshener

to give you an idea of what my morning looked like on the actual day of wan-niversary, i present to you this:

and then the rest of my morning went by in a blur.  despite the fact that i had 15 dozen cookies to work on that day, i squeezed in a barre class and then had to drive out to monrovia to deliver three dozen of these:

i was absolutely convinced that i was totally screwed, with a very small window of time to get back home, roll/cut/bake those cookies, and still get to school on time to pick up the bean.  and then with one text from my friend asking if i could meet her a mere 15 minutes early, my luck changed.  i managed to get the cookies in her hands, race back home, get the oven preheated, and turned out a shitload of these:

and these.

wanna see what almost 200 cookies looks like?  here you go:

one of the benefits of baking up a cookie storm like this is that i never need to buy those holiday candles that smell like sugar cookies.  with a table covered in the real thing, the house smelled super sweet.  and i still got to pick up the bean from school with time to spare.  boom.

with help from both the hub, who happily took the bean to gymnastics that afternoon, and the teen, who ran out to grab me supplies i didn't know i was low on, i managed to power through and get them all done.  those 16 cookies all got flooded with white frosting, airbrushed with various designs in glittering gold, and then outlined in black.  they ended up looking like this:

the other 5 dozen cookies were for a little girl's puppy-themed party.  the bean adored these:

and here's that same table of cookies with them all dressed up.  frosted and decorated, they made the house smell even sweeter.

i've been working on all sorts of other fun designs lately too.  like these, to celebrate a DJ's birthday:

a wedding shower:

and a "plants vs. zombies" fan (yeah, i never heard of it either).

oh, and the teen helped me bust out 5 dozen of these for the bean's christmas party with her cheer squad:

on deck for this week:  a dozen christmas cookies and a bunch of gingerbread men.  the fun never stops around here.  and hey, it keeps that delicious smell alive and well in the house!  it's totally a win-win situation.

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um, i think.

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