wan-na find something?

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

maxing and relaxing

the day after our lovely evening out was jam-packed with even more awesomeness.

my internal alarm clock somehow still woke me up at 6am, but when i opened my eyes and remembered where i was, i pretty much forced myself to go back to sleep till my actual alarm went off a couple of hours ago.  even then, the hub was passed out cold as i tiptoed around to get dressed for the venice christmas run.

the start line was less than a mile away, and it was a gorgeous santa monica morning.  i mean, only in california can you stroll along the beach in december and watch bikini-clad volleyball players at 9am.

it was actually quite a bit warmer than i'd expected, and so by the time i joined the crowds i was already starting to sweat (shocker, i know).

like my socks?

across the way i spied my friend mark, who's also a member of team superhero and serves as the announcer for a handful of local races.

the race started promptly at 9:30, and my lack of training over the last several months showed as i struggled to even maintain a slow jog throughout the first mile.

hey, at least i wasn't dead last.  there were lots of people in front of and behind me as i slogged through the course.

happily, it wasn't all that long before i reached the touristy parts of venice beach.

i was amused at this group of giggly girls, who i'd spied at the start and somehow managed to keep up with.  i mean...that one girl is wearing jean shorts, people.  she was running in JORTS.

mile two!

when i passed this place, i damn near caught a contact high from the familiar aroma wafting through the air.

this is always a welcome sight during any 5K race.

santa was at the finish to welcome everyone back.

it was quite the cluster to turn in my timing chip and collect my bling.

isn't it purty?

i tried to get a cool shot with the famous santa monica pier in the background, but it didn't work out too well.

back at the hotel, the hub was chilling with a movie on the tv after having enjoyed a cup of coffee out on the balcony.  and because he loves me, he drew me a lovely bath, turned the bubbles on in that jacuzzi tub, lit a candle and left me to soak and relax.

after i'd gotten my fill and was feeling pretty good, breakfast was served.  with a view.

as if it hadn't already been a fantastic morning, we capped it off with a visit to the hotel spa for an hour of blissful massage.

don't we look relaxed?

see ya next year, shutters/casa del mar!

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