wan-na find something?

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

mommy & me at the barre

when a winter break edition of "mommy & me at the barre" was announced, i snagged a spot for me and the bean as soon as i could.  i'm not entirely sure she loved it all that much the first time we went, but it sounded like a fun way to hang out together and get some exercise in at the same time.

because the class was booked solid, we made sure to get there a little early.

and as she does at every open space she finds herself in, she practiced her cartwheels.

she showed me some of the stretches they do in her jazz dance class.  too bad my days of doing the splits are looooong gone.

when it was time to start, we did our warmup in a big circle.  it was fun to watch the bean and the rest of the littles do jumping jacks and gallop first to the right, and then to the left.  there was lots of giggling, and it was contagious.  and then we all moved to the barre for some real work.

she thought it was fun to do the arm work with a set of 1-pound weights.

at some point, she looked over at me and said "wow, you get sweaty from this?  hahahahahahahaha!" oh, you little shit.

during our foldover series, the girls had a little fun.  as the moms did the work, they got to crawl underneath the line of legs lifted in the air, and the giggling continued.

someone managed to get video, which was posted on the studio's instagram account.  sorry it's so big, but i don't know how to fix html code.

then it was time for some floor work on the mat - her favorite part.

a little downward dog to start:

some ab work while rolling like a ball:

then they got to help out their moms by holding down their feet for some crunches.

a little bridge work with our feet on the wall:

and finally, some stretching to end the class.  she's a bit more flexible than i am.

all done!

they got to work on a cute little craft while the moms hung out and chatted - and snapped pictures.

we herded all the cats for a group photo.

and then on the way out, grabbed a plate of delicious snacks.

cookies, goldfish and chocolate milk.  i mean...is there any better recovery food than that?

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