wan-na find something?

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

'twas the week before christmas

the bean's last week before christmas break was jam-packed.  i don't think we could've squeezed any more fun into those few days if we'd tried.  okay, well, maybe we could, but we'd be completely exhausted.

we kicked off the week by watching mini cee dance with her ballet studio in a performance of the nutcracker.  funny, we went from not ever having seen it before to viewing it twice in the span of one weekend.

even more awesome was realizing that my cousin mel's daughter is one of mini cee's classmates, both at school and in ballet class.  it was such a great surprise to run into her as we were trying to find our seats.

the next day, we finally went out and got our christmas tree.

immediately after that, the bean and i headed out for "bedtime at the barre," an hour during which i got my ass kicked in a piloxing (pilates/kickboxing) class while the bean got to snuggle up in her pjs, drink hot cocoa and enjoy a little storytime.

on the morning of the first grade's performance of the christmas story for the school, she woke up and asked me if we could curl her hair.  well, okay, sure.

a minor crisis involving the all-white angel costume in one hand and her chocolate milk in the other caused a bit of chaos in the house, but eventually we got outta there and still made it to school on time.

the performance was adorable and it was fun to watch the kids beam with pride as they sang their well-rehearsed songs and rattled off their carefully memorized lines.

then it was time for a quick change before joining the class for some refreshments and a book exchange.

unbeknownst to her, i'd gotten ahold of a couple of vouchers for a performance of "disney on ice."  i'd driven down to anaheim while she was at school to exchange them for a pair of tickets in really good seats, and i was excited to surprise her with them.

the teen's schedule at work somehow ended up with her magically having that same evening off, but there were no more seats next to us for sale.  boo.  we managed to find her one that was a couple of rows ahead of us, though, and she decided that it would be more fun to go than sit at home and do nothing.  because she's been working a lot lately, we were happy to have her with us...sorta.

it was a fun show, and we all enjoyed it - especially since our seats were so much better than the last time we saw it.

the next day, the hub joined us as we drove down to anaheim yet again to visit our happy place one more time before our passes were blocked out for the rest of the year.  the bean was excited to ride her new favorite ride with her daddy.

it was a blast, as always.

we even got him to do "it's a small world" with us.

as we went through the short line, he somehow managed to talk her into riding his favorite disneyland ride:

she typically avoids this ride like the plague, fearing the two drops at the beginning.  when we told her that the couple of drops in her beloved matterhorn ride were about the same as those, she finally acquiesced.

on the way out, we got this:

now to figure out how to keep us both occupied for two weeks of christmas break.  give me strength.

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...