wan-na find something?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

all aboard the choo choo train

when i got home from the coaster run, i found everyone at home still asleep.  that time change really screwed them up, man.  and we had a pretty small window of time before we needed to be ready to head out to travel town for a birthday party.  i ended up having to wake the bean up from a sound sleep...at 9:30.  even without the time change, that was really sleeping in for her.

we arrived at travel town not too long after the party start time, and found the birthday boy and his parents at the green train car.  i didn't know that parties could be held in there, and it was really cute inside - and air conditioned, which was lovely since it was a sunny, warm soCA day.

the party favors were beyond adorable.

we headed outside to do some exploring.

the highlight of any visit to travel town is always a ride on the train.

although i'd gotten these on christmas from the teen, this was the first time i'd busted out my fun new black glitter kate spade keds kicks.

until she pointed it out to us, the teen and i were a little confused when the bean piped up with a question:  "hey, what does 'do not hump' mean?"  uh...

and even after we'd seen it for ourselves, we had no idea what it meant.  haha!  oh well.

in the tiny gift shop, there were lots of train-themed goodies.  i kinda wish i had an excuse to buy this set:

and i always enjoy flipping through these books.

after hanging out with the monkey and trish and their respective offspring (who are just so damn cute and growing up so fast), enjoying some pizza and singing the birthday song, we decided to head out.  the teen was super excited to receive a favor - "i never get any of the goody bags!" she said.

and on the way home, she let me try it all on.

good times.

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