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Friday, March 20, 2015

another year, another jogathon

the bean's annual jogathon at school was a smashing success, as it always is.  this is the last year that she's in the first wave of participants, which is crazy - seems like not so long ago that she participated in the preschool's version, on tricycles:

i'd volunteered to assist for the majority of the event, as one of two room moms for the bean's class.  this meant that i got there nice and early, like an hour before the whole thing started.  with nothing to do, i walked around checking out the obstacles on the course.

the principal was scheduled to hang out in the dunk tank, which all of the kids were excited for.  i mean, wouldn't you have loved to see your school administrators go down?

i was so early that the ferris wheel wasn't even put together yet.

it was fun as always to watch the bean do her thing out on that course.  balance beam?  easy peasy for this gymnast.

low bear crawl?  check.

climbing through the high-low rope maze, no problem.

she missed the dunk tank target big time, but she got to watch mr. g go down anyway and was clearly amused by it all.

running through the tires was a snap too.

with a half hour to run as many laps as they could on this warm morning, she stopped for a water break every time she completed one.

and at the end, she got her own version of the dunk tank courtesy of her daddy.

she got to ride the ferris wheel with one of her besties:

and took home a handful of prizes.

yay for a successful morning at the jogathon!

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