wan-na find something?

Monday, March 16, 2015

back in business

now that girl scout cookie season is over - lots of fun, lots of work - i get to focus on "my" cookies again.  of course, those are also lots of fun, lots of work.  but that's okay.

i was asked to send some birthday treats to a far-away loved one, and it was kind of fun to get back to basics.  bright colors, simple shapes, fun designs.

anyone for tea?

movie-themed cookies are always fun, although really challenging.  luckily, "tangled" is full of all sorts of design ideas that translate nicely into cookies.

these are for a little girl who loves gymnastics and pink.  i happen to know a little girl like that myself, and she fully approved of these cookies.

yeah, valentine's day is over.  but there's never a wrong time for red hearts, am i right?

i'd hoped to bust out the airbrush for this set of milestone cookies, but because my trusty supply store was out of silver airbrush food dye, i had to settle for using an aerosol can instead.  i'd tried it once before and hadn't been thrilled with the results, but i guess these turned out okay.  the silver is very subtle, mostly because the can started running out about 3/4 of the way through.

i've got some other fun designs to work on this week, and i'm looking forward to doing them despite the crazy record-breaking heat we're experiencing right now.  i'd forgotten how much i hate baking when the temperatures are near triple digits.  ugh.  come back, winter!  summer sucks.

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