wan-na find something?

Monday, March 9, 2015

saturday shenanigans

saturday was a crazy busy day, with all sorts of fun stuff on the agenda.  i kicked off the day with a barre class (shocker), where i also scooped up a very generous donation for our class basket for this year's jogathon raffles.  inside this cute little package is a water bottle, kashi bar, a pair of sticky barre socks and a pass good for three free classes.

and then i raced home to get ready and take the bean to a birthday party for one of her little classmates.  i love that she's still willing to let me pick out her clothes for her, and doesn't even hesitate to strike a pose for me whenever i ask for it.

the party venue was really cute.  it's an extension of a local bakery, where they offer parties and classes for cake and cookie decorating.

i'd been told that it was a dropoff party, so i got the bean settled with her friends and then the teen and i took off in search of lunch.

have you ever tried an acai bowl?  there's a place literally in front of the xtend barre studio called "bowl of heaven," where acai bowls and freshly pressed juices are the specialty.  the teen has had these bowls with her friend rock-ell, but it never appealed to me...until now.  i hadn't had a chance to make my smoothie that morning, and after perusing the menu decided to try a lemon chia bowl.  the base was a blend of acai, banana, strawberries, blueberries, lemon and honey.  it's kind of like frozen yogurt, and then it's topped with shredded coconut, lemon zest, chia seeds and coconut whipped cream.

i never thought i would love a bowl of fruit so much.  it was SO GOOD.  like, i could totally eat one of those every day.  but it's a little pricey, as most healthy food seems to be, so i'll just have to settle for a once-a-week treat.

the bean was having a blast at the party, as evidenced by this photo:

we had just enough time after picking her up to get her home to change into her girl scout uniform and head over to the local vons grocery store for our third and final cookie booth of the year.  since the teen is now a registered volunteer with the girl scouts, she's able to join us for meetings and outings and such, and so she decided to come along and see what it's like to run a booth.

remember our minnie piñata from the disney side celebration?  well, we put her to work.

the hour flew by, with so-so sales.  we didn't manage to sell out of cookies, but we did get rid of almost 100 boxes over the 3-hour period.  not too bad.  and i have to admit, while the cookie sales were fun, i'm really glad to have it over and done with.

after a quick pitstop at home, we decided to head back out to do a little shopping for the teen.  her sister got in on the action, as she modeled what she called "movie star high heels."  oh boy.

with a toys r us right next door, you know we had to go inside to browse around.  and get a little silly.

the teen shouted "spoiler alert!" when we were checking out the pretty pretty princess cinderella dolls from the new movie.

and the the bean and i both wanted this.  too bad we have nowhere to put it.

back home, we capped off the day with a simple but tasty dinner - grilled chicken with homemade teriyaki sauce and some of that delicious tomato brown rice we love so much.

i'm pretty sure we packed that day with about as much activity as humanly possible.  and with a 5K the next morning, sunday was shaping up to be just as busy.  whew, i need a vacation from the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I totally had a Snoopy Snow Cone Machine when I was a kid!! It was awesome.


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i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...