wan-na find something?

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


we've really been making the most of our disneyland passes since we renewed them about a month ago.  initially, i'd been afraid that the 60th anniversary celebration crowds would keep us away, but i should've known better.  like, we've been heading into the parks as often as our schedules are allowing us to, and with the bean's newfound bravery on some of the faster rides, it's been extra awesome.

after dropping off his dad at orange county airport one afternoon, we convinced the hub to take us to the parks to meet up with the old lady and her BFF.  the plan was to drop us off and then ride back home with the girls when we were done, but after giving it some thought we switched gears.  instead, the hub handed me the car keys while he caught a ride home via uber - we figured that the older girls wouldn't want to leave at 7 like the bean and i needed to.  it was a school night, and while it's summer school and a lot breezier than regular school, i still wanted to be sure that she got a good night's sleep.

our first stop was big thunder mountain.  she won't admit it, but she really does like that ride now...as long as it's in the daylight.

as we exited, we walked right past wayne brady as he waited with his family and a "plaid."  see him in the corner?

we found a new photo op just behind the ride, and you know we can't ever resist one of those suckers.

when we met up with the old lady and BFF, we made a beeline for an old favorite - pirates of the caribbean.

afterwards, the bean bribed her sister into heading into the enchanted tiki room with a dole whip float - disneyland's signature pineapple-flavored soft serve ice cream floating in a cup of fresh pineapple juice.

we managed to squeeze in the indiana jones ride before heading over for one more snack that we'd been craving since we renewed our passes:

from there, we parted ways with the girls as we headed towards the exit - but not before stopping to grab a giant turkey leg for the road.  as we waited (yes, there was a long line for turkey legs!), we watched this cast member, tasked with the job of making sure that a mama duck and her baby ducklings made their way through the crowds lined up for the parade without getting stepped on.  how'd you like that job, eh?

on the way home, the bean turned on "big hero 6."  "i'm SO happy right now, mom," she breathed as she munched on her turkey leg.  she's so my kid.

a couple of days later, we had another opportunity to head back to the parks for a little more afternoon fun.  her field trip that day was at the discovery cube just minutes away from disneyland, and so i headed down to pick her up and ride some rides.

first, a castle selfie:

and then a turn on a couple of rides she's been on before but didn't remember - snow white's scary adventures and pinocchio's daring journey.  we took this for her sister, who to this day finds the snow white ride a little too scary for her liking.

it was such a gorgeous day to be out there.

the old lady had said "have a churro for me!" and i mean, hey...we were just following orders here.

since the line was fairly short, we took another turn on big thunder mountain.  you know, since it was still daylight and all.

and then our final stop was at the plaza inn for some fried chicken and grape juice (her specific request).  i was a little put off by some lady who first ran into me with her stroller and then turned around to tell me that "my daughter has cancer, so we're going to get in front of you here."

i do hope they had a lovely dinner together, and that's all i'm gonna say about that.

we definitely did.  and took home a fun souvenir, too:  a souvenir "vintage" stein with designs that represent all of the lands within disneyland.

oh, disneyland.  it just never gets old.


  1. Talk about capitalizing on an illness!

  2. Where did you get your backpack? It looks like tsum tsums on there. Sophia is obsessed with those things.

  3. Funny how they offered mostly junk food at the race. :)


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january dumpin’

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