wan-na find something?

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

a little downtime

when we got home from that road trip, we filled the days with random fun. the bean finally got to take another class at the circus studio:

i know she has fun in this class, and it's definitely a lot less pricey than some of the other activities she does. but i'm not a huge fan of how much time is spent waiting around to take a turn on the equipment. there's usually at least 8 or so kids in the class, with only 3-4 things to do at a time. i don't know, man. 

the old lady and i sampled something new at taco bell:

spoiler: it's not very good. i'm sure you're shocked. 

i knew MIL hadn't been to the lobsta truck in a really long time. so when i saw they were going to be relatively close, we headed out for some dee-licious dinner. 

turns out that they were part of a big celebration to welcome the japanese team of athletes participating in the upcoming special olympics.  

back at home, the bean and her sister decided to test out something we'd seen on TV - a DIY kit to make soft pretzels using just a microwave. 

here's a closeup of the finished product:

and yes, it was as good as it looked. 

it was okay, though. after all, it wasn't as if we didn't have plenty of options from our travels:

after a round of "apples to apples," she decided to create a masterpiece with the stale jelly bellys.

and after she and MIL left for texas, this fancy travel wallet arrived with all the details for the hub's and my next adventure. 

looks promising, yes? 

oh, yes. you'll see. 

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um, i think.

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