wan-na find something?

Monday, August 31, 2015

when in hawaii...

our first full day in hawaii started off like this:

the bean, majorly excited about easy access to fresh poke, dug right into the container we'd picked up at foodland the night before.  fish for breakfast.  who'd have ever imagined?

unfortunately, the hub ended up feeling like crap that morning.  he was really out of it and wound up spending the entire day laid up in bed.  we all felt so bad that he was starting vacation off with a sick day.

the rest of us ended up hopping into the car and heading down to waikiki to do a little looking around.  i'm not a huge fan of driving around in areas i'm unfamiliar with, although having siri to navigate me everywhere is helpful.  and the ford flex we were driving wasn't bad.  we decided to do a little shopping at ala moana shopping center, where the bean was delighted to find this:

and walked in just in time to join the activity of the day.

i managed to find my happy place too:

and after grabbing some lunch and splurging on new sunglasses, we headed out to fabulous, crowded, wonderful waikiki beach.

the bean was in heaven.

okay, we all were.

on our way back to the car, we encountered a happy wedding couple.

and found a little street fair where we picked up fresh cookies and some spam musubi.

on our half-hour drive home, the bean conked out hard in the back seat.

we stopped at the abc store to pick up some meds for the hub and grab some dinner, and found this back in a corner next to the soda machine.  at disneyland, folks stand in crazy long lines for this stuff.

back at home base, this is what the bean happily ate for dinner that night:

that kid could exist for days on poke and spam.  we really do belong in these islands.

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...