wan-na find something?

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

back in business

along with being back to school, the bean is also back to her regular (read: crazy busy) schedule.  on mondays, it's junior varsity cheer practice:

we had some shifting in the schedule, which now leaves tuesdays free.  this is when she can come home, relax, catch up on homework and do some reading.  wednesday is art class, followed by tumbling at a new gym that specializes in cheerleading.

thursday is the super insane day.  i'd originally had her enrolled in jazz dance again, and when we got there for the first class, her former tap teacher was finishing up a class and asked her if she wanted to join that one as it was perfect for her skill level.  and so now we go from school to tap class, transition into jazz, and then immediately after that i scoop her up and head to soccer practice.

luckily, soccer is only temporary - it ends in mid-november.  and they've already had picture day, too. their team name this year?  the "peppermint pink piranhas."  sounds fierce, yes?

on friday she has her hula lesson and then there's this:

we're looking at a pretty fun year of brownies this year, and we've picked up a lot of really awesome new girls who seem to be having fun so far.

and we've committed to a saturday activity along with the weekly soccer games.  this one, though, is going to be fantastic - one of her friend's moms is a phD who's really big into making sure that girls are strong in math and science skills.  she's offered to do a class every saturday morning during which a group of 5 girls in the bean's class focus on learning and sharpening their math skills, plus do some fun science experiments and activities.  so far, they're doing a great job and are having a blast spending time together outside of school.

the bean has also signed up for her school's talent show, and she's super excited to get up on stage and show off her hula moves.  i cannot wait.

looks like second grade is going to be even more fun than first!

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...