wan-na find something?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

crafting is my LIFE

my life lately has been all about these things: chauffeur, girl scouts, room mom, sewing, cookies.  and not necessarily in that order.  also, that is not a complaint in any way - just a statement of fact.  oh, you can throw in some barre and running and disneyland in there too, i suppose.  it's all fun and i don't know that i'd have it any other way.

i've done some pretty fun cookies in the last few weeks.  like these, which took me back to the bean's "my little pony" days:

while she isn't into MLP anymore, she thought those were pretty good.  and i figured that as long as she approved, they had to be okay.

i had to explain to her what these were, though:

and she mostly liked these, but questioned me on my authenticity as there was no purple on the buzz-inspired ones:

my airbrush stopped working properly, while i was attempting to work on a set of cookies of course.  but lucky for me, i had a backup that i'd picked up at michael's with a 50% off coupon ages ago.  and i was happy to find that it was even easier to use than my old one, so i was able to get these fairy cookies done quickly.

bridal shower cookies are always fun to do.

and these!  oh, these were really fun - although i was reminded of why i hate royal icing.  it somehow always clogs the decorating tips and i spend more time trying to fix that than i do decorating.  but i needed the texture for the precision of these henna-inspired designs.

my sewing machines have seen me a lot lately, too.  and i've discovered the world of custom knit fabrics - there are lots of fantastic prints out there.  it's a bit pricey, and because of the custom factor, can take a long time to be delivered.  they create the print, put it out for presale to meet the minimum order needed, and then everyone waits 6-8 (or more!) weeks to receive it.  but when i can turn out super cute dresses like this, it's totally worth it.

my co-leader and i visited the warehouse of a pretty popular online knit fabrics seller, purple seamstress.  it was fantastic being able to wander through her product and be able to take it home right then and there.  and the owner, mel, is really friendly and fun.

this top i managed to turn out in a couple of hours - literally just before the "inside out" themed party we were attending.  i think this is one of her favorite things i've ever made for her.

and what's a trip to disneyland without something fun to wear?

i can't wait for cool weather to finally get here.  i've got so much stuff in mind to make and i'm dying to see how much i can add to my own wardrobe - wouldn't it be cool to be exclusively wearing stuff i made for myself?  we'll see.

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