wan-na find something?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

tea time

while i was in vegas last weekend, the bean and her grandma hit up the local tearoom for a lovely afternoon treat.

but because MIL is so good about making sure nobody gets left out, she invited me and the old lady to go back so that we could all have tea together.

i was pretty excited that the scone of the day wasn't some fruit-encrusted thing that i'd have to pick apart.  instead, we were served these fragrant white chocolate lavender scones that i devoured as if it were my last meal.

of course, they were served with all the good stuff - homemade preserves, clotted cream (which always sounds so gross but is oh so delicious), and lemon curd.

good to the very last bite (which was used to wipe every last bit of cream off of my plate).

i'd opted for the tea that included the soup of the day, because it was cream of asparagus and that's one of my most favorite kinds of soup of all time.

the bean adores the mango sorbet.  she requires lots of palate cleansing, you know.

and she was so excited for her egg salad sandwiches that she didn't even wait for me to get my picture of the sandwich tier before she snagged her plate.

and then although i was super full from drinking an entire pot of tea and sandwiches and scone and soup...we were served dessert.  the bean's princess tea included an ice cream sundae:

and the old lady and i took our chocolate cake home.

it was a really lovely afternoon, and with MIL's next visit up in the air, we enjoyed every minute of our time together.  she goes home today, and we're all super bummed to see her go.  the holidays are going to be so weird without her and FIL here.

1 comment:

  1. that looked delish. the best part is (legit) clotted cream with the scones. would you mind sharing the name of the tearoom you went to. i'm always looking for locations. thanks, sharon (alison friedman's mom)


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