wan-na find something?

Thursday, December 24, 2015

happiest photo shoot EVER

now that our christmas cards are out, i can share a few snaps from the 2015 wan family photo shoot.  and since our photographer adores disneyland as much as we do (well, most of us, anyway), it was a no-brainer as to this year's location.

we started, of course, at the castle.  it happened to be one of the "mickey's not so scary halloween party" days, hence the red wristbands you can see if you look close enough.  also, it was extra crowded and i was grateful that she knew where and how to position us to minimize the photobombers.

you'll notice that we all have disneyland shirts on...which were purchased at the world of disney shop in downtown disney about ten minutes before we started the shoot.  heh.

here's the only decent shot we got of just me and the hub - with a welcome photobomber who just happened to be walking by.  the look on my husband's face makes me crack up every time i look at this.

i actually don't like the teacups ride.  like, at all.  i'm not into spinny rides and always feel like i'm gonna hurl, so i made sure to tell the girls NOT to pick the purple teacup, which is rumored to be the one that spins the fastest.  and when they wanted to ride it again, the rest of us tapped out, but that got us a really cute shot of the two of them.

we had to sneak these at the main street railroad station, right as we got off the train and waited for everyone to pass us.

and if you can stand it for just a few seconds more, here are the last two favorites of mine:

next year, we promise to get a little more creative with our location.  maybe.

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