wan-na find something?

Thursday, February 18, 2016

a whole lotta love day

valentine's weekend was super busy and super fun.  the day before was spent workin' it at a local wally world, selling as many cookies as we possibly could in a 4-hour period.  we put in some effort, though, and gussied up our little table as much as we could.

valentine's day is one of the easier holidays to decorate for - lots of hearts everywhere.

and we pushed "bundles" - putting various flavors together and dressing them up with a little tulle and ribbon.

and with all of those elements in place, we finally reached our long-standing goal of hitting 3-digit sales in one booth.  we were exhausted at the end, but so proud of the girls for the hard work they put in.

the next morning, i got up to bring supplies to that day's scheduled cookie booth and made a pitstop on the way home.

this place is well-known locally for their fresh strawberry donut, which is basically a glazed donut cut in half and stuffed full of fresh glazed strawberries.

as for me, i indulged in another one of their delicious treats - a red velvet donut with a delicious cream cheese filling.  and look at how cute and festive my little kate spade mini wallet is:

that picture pretty much covers some of my most favorite things in life.

later, after dropping off the bean for a sleepover with mini cee (thanks again, lilcee!), the hub and i got dressed up and headed out to a nearby cuban restaurant up on the hill.

one of his oldest and dearest friends was finally getting married, and we were excited to be there to share in their wedding day.  it was a warm day, but that made for some really pretty views as the evening came upon us.

and i got to bust out my glitter kate spade shoes again:

the ceremony was short and sweet, and very emotional for the bride and groom and their blended family.  afterwards, everyone milled around and enjoyed tray-passed hors d'oeuvres and adult beverages.  including me, with my quarterly cocktail:

one of the bridal couple's shared interests was represented in the form of a mini cigar bar:

and the sweetheart table was cute.


lots of food.  it was all delicious, including the scallops (which i typically don't like).

and the hub indulged my request for at least one full-length photo.

it was a lovely wedding and we had a lovely time.  but we're definitely can't hang anymore...we were outta there by 9:30 and in bed - snoring, no less - by 10:30.  how lame are we?  but we got a really good night's sleep.  hahahahahaha!

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