wan-na find something?

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

turning japanese

our girl scout service unit celebrated world thinking day this past weekend.  unlike last year, when we were but wee daisy scouts who could simply attend and take in all of the fun, we had to sign up and run a booth where we represented a country of our choosing.  in typical wan and her co-leader fashion, we ran behind on registering and took the first easy-ish country...japan.

we spent the week scrambling to get our shit together - craft, snacks, display board.  it was fast and furious, and we planned our weekly meeting around teaching the girls a little bit about our country so that they'd be somewhat prepared for the event the following morning.  since the bean had a half day at school, we headed out to pasadena to deliver a few cookie orders we'd gotten and stopped in at a new spot for lunch:

seems fitting, right?  i mean, what better way to kick off thinking day than to enjoy some delicious ramen?  the last few times we'd passed this place, there was a line out the door.  luckily, we'd timed it so that we practically got seated the moment we stepped inside.

although whenever we're in pasadena, the bean wants poke.  and so while the old lady and i perused the menu, she happily arranged her meal so that it was just the way she likes it and dug in.

she is definitely her father's child, with how she has to organize everything just so.  sheesh.

we both went with the koku tonkotsu with extra chashu, and it arrived hot and steaming and fragrant in no time.

it was so good, you guys.  we both wanted more as soon as our bowls were empty, which didn't take long since we were so hungry.

but the coconut silky flan with matcha cream had caught our eye on the menu, and so we decided to give it a shot.

it was really delicious and light, and i was surprised that the old lady liked it so much since she's not so much a fan of coconut, flan, or anything remotely milky.  but we all loved it, and now i can't wait to go back.

the meeting with the girls went really well that evening.  the old lady helped me in prepping our swaps for the next day's event - mini "rice bowls" with safety pins attached so that the girls could wear them on their sashes or whatever.  they turned out really cute, we thought:

meanwhile, my co-leader was going over the display board with the girls.

after they learned to do some origami with the old lady, they gathered on the floor and played a quick game while they waited for everyone to finish their activities.  we had a little bit of discussion about cookies, talked about what we wanted to do with our earnings, and then i handed out some snacks:

the next morning, we were up bright and early to get our table set up and ready for 150+ girl scouts to visit us.

the best part of thinking day booths is the snacks, of course.

one of the dads stayed for the event and took the girls five at a time around to experience all of the other countries.  such a lifesaver, since we needed to hang out at the table and make sure our girls were doing their jobs.  the bean came back and happily showed off her snacks, swaps and treasure map prizes.

i managed to grab some bratwurst and sauerkraut from the germany table, and it was delicious.

we'd had our official troop portraits taken, but i had to get in at least one selfie.

and then we capped off the long day with a four-hour booth at walmart, where the girls managed to pull off another 100+ box day.

we may have been exhausted and over it all by that point, but i'm already thinking about which country we should pick for next year.  preferably a fun one where we can have the girls dress up in costumes.  we'll be much better about planning and preparing well in advance next time.  at least, i hope so.

1 comment:

  1. The girls are all so lucky to have you as the leaders as you really are resourceful and imaginative with their projects. Exceptional job!


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