wan-na find something?

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

even more subscription box fun

so, subscription boxes.  while i cancelled my monthly birchbox shipment a long, long time ago, i managed to get myself sucked into a different beauty box.  this time, though, it only arrives quarterly and is usually chock full of stuff that the old lady and i end up sharing after we look it all over.

it's the fabfitfun box:

cute packaging, right?  and we all know that's what it all starts with.  if your shit doesn't come in a cute box, you're starting off on a bad note already.

there were some postcards with promo cards on top.

the first item i opened was this contouring set.  i'm not usually one to do much more than a little shadow, liner and mascara on a daily basis, but this is a nice looking set that i'll bust out on those occasions when i want to look a little more polished.  they're few and far between, but it's nice to have stuff like this when they do come up.

i've tried using argan oil-based products on my hair.  it's supposed to be really good, but maybe i'm doing something wrong because every time i try it, my hair just ends up looking greasy and gross.  the old lady perked up at the sight of this though, so it went right into her stash.

what i like about this box is that it isn't full of only beauty products.  this little necklace is super cute and i've already worn it about half a dozen times.

i'm not a bath person.  like, at all.  i don't have patience to wait for the tub to fill, i get bored easily and i always splash water all over books when i try to read in there.  i'd rather take a quick shower and do my reading and stuff afterwards, you know?  so this package of bath bombs also went to the old lady.  they smelled really good, at least.

now this might come in handy.  my hands and feet (and skin in general) are always really dry, so maybe this set of keratin gloves and socks will help.  i'll give it a shot and see how it works out.

i haven't done traditional yoga in forever, although i do have a couple of videos that can incorporate this stretchy yoga strap.  i don't know.  i set it aside and maybe i'll get to it one day.

 i'm sure the next box will come out around summertime.  there are probably still spring boxes available too, if you like anything you see.  i have a referral link that you can use, if you're interested. i mean, i'm not trying to sell these things or anything, but you know, if you want one, hook a sister up.  heh.

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