wan-na find something?

Monday, April 25, 2016

gimme all the food

a couple of weeks ago, i was lucky enough to pin down my friend weezermonkey for lunch.  i hadn't seen her in forever, and i miss our GTGs with the other girls as well.  the magic of facebook and twitter helps us stay up to date with each other's lives, but there's nothing like spending some good old fashioned quality time together, you know?

since she's always in the know about good places to eat, i asked her to pick the place.  and so the old lady and i headed out and met her at braise and crumble, a cute little spot in pasadena not far from old town.

it was really cute inside, and they made the most of the small space they had available to them.

i'd read on yelp that this place can get pretty busy during the weekends, but since it was 11:30 on a thursday, it was nice and quiet.  at least for a little while.  after perusing the menu and chatting with the friendly lady at the counter, we placed an order for several items to share between the three of us. she'd suggested that we choose something from each column, and we were more than happy to follow her advice.

our pork selection:  the pig dip, of course.  the menu described it as "five spice pulled pork on a french roll with our bacon, onion and apple beer jam and five spice pork apple beer au jus."  um, sign me UP.

from the list of beef options, we chose the short rib tacos.  these were a little on the spicy side, but so delicious.  they had sautéed mushrooms, jalapeño puree and sour cream, and all of the flavors worked wonderfully together.

the "hunka hunka fried chicken love" was so good, i decided we'd have to bring the bean here one day.  that kid loves her some fried chicken, and theirs was perfectly seasoned and cooked.

lastly, our "veg" was an order of fried baby pickles, served with a tasty dipping sauce.

because the lady had heard me tell the monkey that i was buying because her birthday was coming up, she offered her choice of desserts on the house.  she chose the peanut butter "ooey gooey" brownie and handed it to the old lady, who accepted it happily.

it was so great to see my friend, and hopefully we can get together again soon.

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um, i think.

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