wan-na find something?

Monday, May 30, 2016

an extra magical brunch

in the flurry of cookie rewards recaps, i totally forgot all about our outing to goofy's kitchen at the disneyland hotel.  this was for all of the girls in our troop who sold at least 250 boxes, and they also received both a troop t-shirt and sweatshirt that my co-leader and i made for them.  between the two of us, there's not a whole lot of customizable stuff we can't make at this point.  kind of awesome, if you ask me.

so on a sunday morning, we all gathered here to have a fun little brunch:

because we were such a large group, it took awhile for everyone to arrive.  and of course, we couldn't be seated unless we were all present.  AND they would only hold our reservation for 15 minutes.  it was quite the stressful situation for a bit there, but then it all came together and we finally made our way to our photo op with goofy himself.

we were given a great table near the entrance (perfect for those potty breaks) and split up the group so that we could keep an eye on everyone as we headed to the buffet for some grub.

because of the timing, we had access to both breakfast and lunch - plus the all-you-can-eat soft serve ice cream bar.  yum.

and i had to try the pb&j pizza.  it was delicious, by the way.

as we ate and chatted and laughed, we were visited by a bunch of familiar faces.

we were there for at least an hour and a half, between taking pictures and multiple trips to the buffet and several restroom runs.  it was fun and crazy and loud and stressful, and then it was over.  the parents came to collect their kids, and then we were left to hang out and chat and relax a little.  and of course, we had to have this:

almost seems like the next cookie season will be here right as we're finishing up rewarding them for the last one, huh?  but i promise, this is the last of it.  no more mention of cookies...unless they're MY cookies!

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um, i think.

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