wan-na find something?

Thursday, July 7, 2016

beach, please

we've always talked about renting a beach house for the 4th of July to get away from the inland heat we live in. somehow we've always managed to be in other places - like big bear last year, walking in a local parade the year before that, etc. 

2016 was finally our year! and if you look closely, you can see the old lady totally photobombing my shot:

here's the living room:

a full kitchen with most everything we needed:

the only bummer was that we had to share one tiny bathroom. with friends coming to stay for a couple of days, that took some getting used to. 

but there were three good-sized  bedrooms, bonus!

when we told her that she would get one of the beds except for while our friends were there and that she and the two kids could roll out sleeping bags and crash on the pullout sofa, she said "oh, that's fine. i've slept with lots of boys."

yeah. um...yeah.

anyway, you can't see too well from this shot, but the beach is literally steps away from the front porch. 

it's like a 90-second walk from the front door to this:

which made it easy to go outside and play anytime we wanted to. 

and the BBQ got plenty of use. i'm sure he enjoyed the view as he slaved away. 

and we had the fridge stocked with lots of snacks and beverages. 

everybody was a winner this weekend!

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