wan-na find something?

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

my very own fisherman's wharf 5K

for our last full day in san francisco, i finally sucked it up, threw on my running shoes and headed out to run a fun little 5K.  with the girls still snoozing away (i'd already told them the night before that i was going out early), i tiptoed out of the room and went downstairs.

unlike any other given time during the day, it was nice and quiet out there.

as i made my way down jefferson street, i spied coit tower:

and my turnaround point was here, at pier 7.  i decided to jog down towards the end of it to check out the view.

 when i turned around, i caught a glimpse of the transamerica pyramid.

and then i started heading back towards the hotel.

if we'd had a little more time, i'd have taken the girls to the exploratorium.  i hear it's a really fun museum, and so it's on the list for next year if we make it back out for a second round of animation camp.

with all of the tickets for alcatraz tours completely sold out, there was already quite a lineup of tourists waiting for their turn to board the ferry.

it really was quite the scenic route, which made it easy to forget that i hadn't been out for a run in over a week.

pier 39 was also uncharacteristically uncrowded.  not for long, of course, but it was nice to see it quiet and empty for awhile.

i really do love touristing.

i couldn't even imagine how cold that water must've been.  those folks are cray.

i scampered up the hill to see what the line for the cable car looked like.  it was still so early that they weren't even running yet, and the line was practically nonexistent.

with the hotel just down the street, i stopped at starbucks to pick up some morning beverages for all of us.  it was really crowded and the line was pretty long, so i opened the app on my phone and placed a mobile order.  i ended up with drinks in hand way before the people who were in front of me in line got theirs, heh.

i found the girls awake and getting ready for the day, and we decided to head out and walk to boudin to grab some breakfast.  i'd seen a sign advertising bacon breakfast tacos, and it wasn't hard to convince them that that was the way to go.

by the way...don't get those unless you like syrup with your eggs and cheese.  it should've been so much tastier, but it was just weird.  bummer.  but we liked the array of various shapes available in bread form, and stopped at the window outside to watch the bakers work on orders.

we walked down one of the piers to look out at alcatraz, and at the end we found that people were fastening locks onto the fence.  kind of like the love lock bridge in paris.

i was trying to get a fun shot for instagram, but i got photobombed.

we somehow managed to find ourselves at the lefty store on pier 39 again, where the bean was just enchanted with those left hand scissors.

this sign made us all cackle:

and this time, there were a few sea lions to watch.  yay!

by the time we got back to the hotel, it was time to jump in the car and head to the airport to pick up the hub.  we were excited to see him, since it'd been a whole week of us on our own and we'd missed him.

plus, then we could begin part 2 of our nor cal road trip.  yay again!

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