wan-na find something?

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

run now, gobble later

thanksgiving morning came fairly early for me and the old lady.  we'd signed up to do a turkey trot 5K run in nearby claremont, and from previous experience i knew this one would have a pretty good turnout.  i made sure to get my whole outfit all laid out the night before:

and then we headed out around 7:15 for an 8:00 start time.  i decided to go the back way into the parking structure, which paid off as we managed to avoid traffic and street closures and found a spot really easily.  it was a chilly morning - well, chilly for soCA, anyway - and after we pinned our bibs on and got ourselves together we headed on out.

we stopped at a table sponsored by a local hospital and picked up a silly turkey hat to wear:

and then we took advantage of the photo op.

as we made our way towards the start line we came across this super cute dog, all decked out and ready to run:

and at 8:00 on the dot, the first wave of runners was released.  just a couple of minutes after that, we were on our way.

it was a very pretty course that took us around and through campuses of the claremont colleges and the surrounding residential areas.

first mile, check:

college scenery:

mile 2, plus a bonus water station.

the last mile took us through the gates of pomona college, and then the turkey was there to usher us around the corner and towards the finish line.

high five from the turkey!


my socks are the best, yes?

so for a number of reasons, i've given up starbucks...at least for now.  i'm going on two weeks now and aside from some bangin' headaches the first few days and hitting a serious wall of tiredness around 3pm on the daily, i'm finally in a place where i don't miss it.  BUT...with a coffee bean just across the street from where we'd parked, i decided maybe we all deserved a treat.  especially since they have all of their holiday drinks in stock again.  and so the old lady and i ordered winter dream tea lattes, added a dirty chai latte for the hub and a hazelnut hot chocolate for the bean and took them home:

two 5Ks in the span of a week.  it's been a long time since i did that.  i keep thinking...star wars half in january.  i gotta get a move on.  yikes.

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um, i think.

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