wan-na find something?

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

sunset in solana beach

so i went to bed on saturday night with the intention of getting up the next morning, rounding up the troops and heading out to the rose bowl to get a long run in.  they planned to do at least one 3-mile loop and then go grab some breakfast while i finished out the rest of the miles i wanted to log.

yeah, we all slept in.  i didn't even get out of bed till after 10.  so much for that.

and so instead, the hub said "let's get in the car and go for a drive."  i love going on these spontaneous day trips that he comes up with, and so we all got ourselves ready and hopped in the car.  it wasn't too long before one of us passed out.

even pointing out the nuclear boobies on the side of the freeway didn't catch her interest.

the only thing that got her up was when we got to solana beach and found somewhere good for a late lunch.

after we placed our order we found a table near the little arcade, where she got her daddy to help her figure out how to play a pinball machine.

mmm...pizza and housemade root beer.

the old lady is weird.  look at how she ate her pizza.

afterwards, we decided to go for a walk and check out the row of shops nearby.

a lot of shops weren't open on that sunday afternoon.  we stopped here because it caught the bean's attention, and it looked super cute.

as we walked inside, i heard the lady ask the hub if he and i might be interested in taking a couple of photos for some channel 8 feature they were getting ready for.  i still don't know exactly what it was, but i'm always down for a photo op.  the old lady snapped this from inside the shop.

we browsed in a few other shops before heading back towards the beach to check out the sunset.

 the bean was highly amused at this sign (because all things bathroom-related are funny, duh).

this is such a pretty area.  maybe we should come down again for a little weekend getaway sometime.

and it's not complete without a couple of selfies.

hmm.  long run or day trip to solana beach?  well, i guess i'll have a more definite answer for you next weekend, after i get through that half.  eep.


i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...