wan-na find something?

Monday, February 6, 2017

trying to sew through the stash

i've really been trying my hardest to get through some of the yards and yards of fabric in my ginormous stash.  between being lazy and just wanting to cuddle under a blanket on the couch and having all sorts of other things to do, sometimes it's just not that easy to sit down at the machines and get 'er done.  but when i do, here's where i do it:

and yes - just like when i'm working on cookies, while i sew i've usually got "friends" on.  it's great background noise and since i know the episodes backwards, forwards and sideways i don't have to pay super close attention to know what's going on.  besides, i adore that show.  my family always knows i'm working on something when they can hear it in the background.

i seem to have a pretty good selection of sweater knits, and so i finally decided to try out a basic cardigan with a good 2 1/2 yard piece.  it's black, so i knew that as long as i didn't screw it up i'd reach for it on a pretty regular basis.  although there was at least one or two hiccups along the way, i think it turned out okay:

and just as i expected, i've worn it quite a few times already.  it's a little long though, so i'll attempt another one with a different piece of fabric and make it a little shorter.

i was excited to cut into a sweet striped knit to make a simple long-sleeved top with a cowl neck.  it had come from the "designer" pile at the fabric warehouse, and supposedly that section comes from ella moss, splendid and other recognizable brands.  and for $1.50 a yard...well, it's hard to pass up regardless of who makes it.  but you have to settle for whatever yardage they have, and this particular piece was just around 1 1/2 yards.  i had no trouble cutting out the front, back and sleeve pieces...but the cowl neck ended up having to be pieced together.  i ended up having to piece together what should have been just one solid cut.

it turned out okay though, i think.

a friend hit me up to make some aprons for her daughter's birthday party.  they were going to be decorating cupcakes, and so i found the perfect fabric at joann's and busted out 15 of these:

my favorite barre instructor is just about ready to give birth, and i knew i wanted to make her a little something before she took off on maternity leave.  so i picked out a cute gown pattern from my lineup and found a free beanie pattern online, used the die cutter and busted this out:

and speaking of the die cutter, i've done some shirts for my eyelash salon:

and a couple for valentine's day.

i think i still have a few weeks left of so cal winter, so i better get a move on with more sweater knit so i don't have to wait a whole year to wear stuff i come up with.  but how many tops and cardigans can i possibly make?  what else can i make with sweater knit?

help meeeeeeee.


  1. I've never ventured outside the quilt box except to attempt a bag or two. You've got to be about ready for another tshirt quilt!


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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...