wan-na find something?

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

bye bye brownies

so not only is another school year over, but our second year of being girl scout brownies has also come to an end.  the girls voted on what to do for their end-of-year party a couple of months ago, and with options like roller skating, bowling, build-a-bear and more, they all voted to celebrate at rockin' jump, our local indoor trampoline park.

it was an easy party to organize - everything could be ordered and paid for online.  for about $350 i managed to secure our friday evening date and time for 15 girls.  that got us jumping time for an hour, the required socks, a party host, and pizza and drinks in a party room for 45 minutes.  i booked it and promptly forgot all about it, not bothering to call to confirm anything, and when we arrived at the venue they were all ready for us.

the girls trickled in one by one, super excited to have some fun and burn some energy.  they put on their socks and wristbands and headed back to the jumping area, and when everyone was finally there our party host george gathered them up in the dodgeball area for a private game.

this was the perfect spot for a group photo, too.

and we had to have a silly face shot:

after a little more free time on the trampolines, they got to head over to the foam pit area to do some jumps and flips.

all too soon, jumping time came to an end.  everyone was all sweaty and happy, and after washing hands they all trooped into the party room to have some grub.

troop leader selfie!

the party was capped off with these cute cupcakes brought by one of the girls' parents.

as i've done every year, there was a photo book for every girl to take home to look back on their year of girl scouting.  the old lady and i had packaged it in a little goody bag with some fun emoji erasers, some candy and a couple of other little fun things along with their prizes from cookie season that had just arrived.

we've found a great local spot with a bridge to do our bridging ceremony, and we're hoping to get that done in the next month.  it's hard to believe our girls aren't brownies anymore - they'll be moving up to the junior level and getting ready to work on earning the first of the three big girl scout awards...the bronze.  we've got two years to get it done before bridging again to cadette level and then even more real work begins.

whew.  that'll be here before we know it.

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