wan-na find something?

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

cookies and cupcakes errrrywhere

so somehow, i managed to schedule myself for what seemed like a bazillion cookies all due at the same time.  i found myself up at a crazy hour on friday morning to get started on them all, and kicked off the day with a set of cookies for a wonder woman-themed birthday party:

i also got to pull out my elmo and cookie monster cutters for the first time in a very long time.  these guys always make me smile:

one of my friends referred one of her friends to me for some cookies a couple of weeks ago, and she hit me up again for some favors to hand out at her daughter's birthday party.  i just love the color palette i got to work with for these:

and then my cousin asked me if i could whip up some moana-inspired treats for her daughter's 6th birthday party.  my edible images printer came to my rescue once again.

in the midst of all this, i had other things to get through (including that bridging ceremony and then dinner afterwards!).  and so after all that, i got myself to bed somewhere around 1:30 only to get back up at about 6:30 to bust out some cupcakes that would be delivered along with those elmo/cookie monster cookies.  i got to try my hand at homemade funfetti cupcakes first:

and while those cooled, i got started on the chocolate ones.  except that the recipe i was using was a total failure and they came out all hard and dense and sad.

so i went back to a different recipe that i should've used from the start and they came out just as they should - light and fluffy and perfect.

then i whipped up some simple vanilla and chocolate frosting to top them with:

and sampled an extra funfetti one to make sure it was all good.

i was pretty happy to get everything delivered to their proper places, and then i went home and took a nap.  wait - no, i didn't do that.  i went to my cousin's party and then collapsed into bed at the end of the day.  whew...that was one crazy baking extravaganza.  haven't done one of those marathon sessions in awhile.

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...