wan-na find something?

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

fabric + coffee = life

much to the hub's consternation, i've got a pretty fat stash of fabric that i've squirreled away in storage cubbies and several plastic storage bins.  there's some seriously awesome pieces of clothing just waiting to be sewn up with all of it, and i'm trying my best to get through as much of it as i can.  i've even cleared out a good majority of my closet to make room for the things i want to make for myself, and i have a running list in my head of pieces to make for both of the girls as well.

so i've mentioned before that i'm in a handful of facebook groups for fabric websites, and they're always running great sales and specials and stuff like that.  sincerely rylee is one of my favorite ones, and on occasion the owner will do a giveaway for something cool, like a new sewing machine or store credit or some highly sought-after fabric she's got in stock.  the contest is typically pretty easy to enter - just place an order and leave a comment on the post with your order number, and you're entered to win.  sometimes it doesn't even require a purchase at all.  anyway, i happened to be browsing my facebook feed when i came across one such giveaway, and this time the prize was a breville espresso machine.  we all know how much i love my caramel macchiatos, and so since i'd been eyeing one of her clearance fabrics anyway i made a purchase and entered my order number.

you can guess what happened next, yes?  i'm pretty sure that the hub never imagined that my fabric addiction would ever result in anything as awesome as this:

if you can't tell, i was SUPER excited and couldn't wait to bust it open and play barista for the first time.  of course, i had to wait because espresso after 4pm just isn't a great idea for me, and i had to go to the store and pick up some supplies first.  but the very next morning, it was on.

here's everything that came in the box:  the machine, filters for one or two shots of espresso, a measuring spoon, some sort of pod holder that went right into a drawer, a cleaning tool and a cup for steaming/frothing milk.

and my supplies:  starbucks espresso, vanilla syrup and caramel sauce.  i'll probably try some recipes to make the syrup and sauce myself at some point, but for now i'm going with the easy way.

after perusing some recipes online for copycat caramel macchiatos, i measured out two spoonfuls of coffee into the filter and pressed it down.

then i filled the water tank, turned the power on and waited for the heating light to go off.  you turn the dial to the coffee cup to start the process of making the espresso and then turn it back to "stand by" to make it stop.  since there wasn't just a button to push for it, i used my measuring cup to make sure i made the right amount that i needed for my drink.  i guess i should just bust out a couple of shot glasses like they do at starbucks, huh?  probably easier.  and look a little cooler.  heh.

did you know that those lines on the starbucks cold cups aren't just part of the design?  i sure didn't.  i poured in 1 1/2 tablespoons of vanilla syrup and then filled the cup to the bottom green line with milk.  on top of that went the freshly brewed espresso, a cupful of ice, and then a drizzle of caramel syrup, and voila:

i'm pretty excited, you guys.  it's a really simple process, the ingredients aren't hard to find, and this is so much cheaper than dropping $4.65 a pop.  and it tastes exactly the same!  and i have cute cups to use...like this one:

i've also made drinks for the hub and the old lady, who've agreed that my version is just as good as starbucks.  and i can't wait till it gets cold so i can try my hand at lattes and cappuccinos and all sorts of fun drinks.

sincerely rylee, you've got a customer for life.  FOR LIFE.

1 comment:

  1. You should try a cheater version that I find I like ... I make a double espresso shot and add water to make it an Americano. Then I add a generous serving of Natural Bliss Salted Carmel creamer. Way less work, still equally delish!


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