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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

it's our date-aversary!

seventeen whole years ago today, the hub and i went out on our first date.  and while this picture isn't from that day, it's the oldest one i have of the two of us together.

it's been one hell of a roller coaster since then, with some of the highest highs and a handful of the lowest lows.  we've weathered many a storm together, raised one very stubborn kid and created another who's growing way too damn fast, traveled near and far, moved a bazillion times and celebrated even more milestones.

as cliché as it sounds, i really do love him more today than i did yesterday.  he's my best friend and the one person i know i can always trust to help steer me in the right direction.  and really...who else would put up with my shenanigans?  we're far from perfect, but we're pretty perfect when we're together.

happy date-aversary, love.

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um, i think.

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