wan-na find something?

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

squeezing in a visit to the fair

so after reuniting with the old lady after our weekend away at the beach, we decided we might as well just go big and head on over to the l.a. county fair.  it was opening weekend, the weather had actually let up quite a bit, and i was dying to see the fate of my cookies.  i really wanted that pink 4th place ribbon, dang it.

because we were arriving at a somewhat odd time, it was fairly easy to park (although we were pretty stinking far away from the entrance), get through security and the main turnstiles.  all the fun was in full swing on that labor day afternoon.

the yellow gate is pretty close to the building where the competitions are displayed.  since it wasn't our first time at this rodeo, we knew exactly where to go and found the plate of my simpsons-like donut cookies in no time.  i have to admit though, i wasn't entirely sure i'd even place this year...i don't know why, i just had a weird feeling.  but i was wrong...and found that i was to continue my streak of winning 2nd place.

next year, i either have to try harder or be more of a slacker, huh?  hahahahahaha.

you know how i love me some t-swizzle.  if we hadn't already seen this exhibit at the grammy museum last year we'd totally have coughed up the $5 apiece to go inside.

instead, we headed over to one of the chicken charlie's booths and grabbed some grub.  while i indulged in some fantastically unhealthy bacon wrapped pickles:

the old lady made a much wiser choice and opted for the grilled chicken flatbread with hummus.  it was really good, by the way.  there actually are some pretty good food options at the fair, believe it or not.

the bean was crushed when i had to break the news to her a couple of weeks ago that i had totally misread the rules and we'd missed the day to turn in artwork for the kids' art competition.  bummer too, because she really wanted to break HER 2nd place streak and win a blue ribbon.  we still went into the building to see all of the kids' competition displays though, because it's always fun to check it all out.  and she found these fun displays of a couple of her favorite book series:

the reading chair was off-limits that day.  the old lady looked over and said "some kid totally peed on this thing."  ewwwwww.

inside one of the shopping buildings, i managed to find the sewing machine shop that does a display every year.  this time, i zeroed in on one of the newest models of the brother coverstitch machines, fresh from the factory and just released.

as i ooh'd and aah'd over it though, one of the sales guys came over to chat and showed me a couple of models from babylock, a brand i knew was quite a bit of an upgrade from my trusty brother machines.  this machine has air threading!  and auto tension, so no knobs to adjust every time i sit down to sew something!  a bigger workspace!  brighter work lights!  smoother and more beautiful stitches!  ooh!  aah!

my poor kids had to stand there and watch me all googly eyed as the guy demo'd all the features for me.  sorry, girls.  but daaaaaaamn, that's a sweet ass machine.

and by the time we emerged from the building, it was dark.  oops.

not to mention, it was a school night and we needed to get the bean home to get to bed.  crap.  but we did make one last stop for a treat that the girls wanted to try before we left...the cotton candy ice cream sandwich.  it was just as delicious as i remembered from my preview the week before.

and we'd promised her she could play one game...and she picked this one.

sadly, she didn't win.  but we all won in the end when we managed to hop on board the tram that took us pretty close to far far away where we'd parked the car.

good times at the fair all around.  i hope we get to go back at least once or twice before it ends.  there's still so much more we didn't get to see...and eat.  muahahahahaha.

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