wan-na find something?

Monday, December 11, 2017

only on rodeo

wan-niversary 12.0 was a really lovely day from beginning to end, zippers be damned.  the old lady and i kicked it off with a barre class, and then after we got ourselves cleaned up the hub took us both out for a delicious lunch at din tai fung.  dumplings and green beans and boba, oh my:

and then you know all about this tragedy.  oh, i was so annoyed.

we had a late dinner reservation at lawry's in beverly hills, which i was really looking forward to since we hadn't been there in years and years.  and with the old lady on deck to pick up the bean from cheer and take care of her for the rest of the evening, we headed out early to do a little window shopping along rodeo drive.  look at how pretty the cartier store was, all wrapped up in a big red christmas bow:

and there were rows of two of these gorgeous baccarat crystal chandeliers all down the street.  only in the 90210, man.

we were pretty bummed to find that all of the shops closed at 7:00 that evening, so we settled for a stop at coffee bean for a nice warm drink as a consolation prize.

window shopping is always available though, and that's the most affordable way to experience rodeo drive anyway.  we had fun strolling down the street, looking at all of the crazy designer merchandise, and taking advantage of all the fun photo ops along the way.

at the end of the street where it meets wilshire boulevard is the beverly wilshire hotel, also known as the "regbevwil" from "pretty woman."

julia roberts filmed in this elevator!  or, at least i think it was this one.  maybe it was the one next to it.  either way, kinda cool right?

and through the other entrance to the hotel we found "snow" falling as christmas carols played.

by the time we were done with our drinks, it was pretty close to time for dinner.  we made our way back to the parking garage, hopped into the car and headed off to lawry's.

the menu was just as i remembered it, although i have to say i don't recall the "meat and potatoes" martini that caught my eye.  i didn't get one, but it sure sounded interesting.

we shared a jumbo shrimp cocktail for our appetizer:

enjoyed their famous "spinning salad":

and watched as our orders were filled by the chef behind the 900-pound silver bullet.

because 'tis the season, there was a group of carolers who roamed around the room, taking requests for songs from various tables.  while i can appreciate live music and singing and all that, i'm really uncomfortable with the notion of being serenaded.  like, they're singing to you - just you - and you have to sit there and smile and try not to look awkward as all hell.  it's kind of like opening presents in front of people...it's just not my jam.  the hub teased the crap out of me as he noticed how uneasy i was with the whole thing and kept torturing me with song suggestions that he wanted to throw at the carolers.  i wasn't sure if it was cool to decline when they approached, so i was really happy when he handled it while i just sat there with a stupid plastic smile on my face.  and then our server arrived with a couple of complimentary english trifles and glasses of sparkling cider and champagne to celebrate our anniversary.

it was a super delicious dinner and a nice way to celebrate another year of wedded bliss, and when we got home the hub took pity on me and had me put the dress on again to see if maybe he could get the damn thing zipped up.  i was stuffed from dinner, but i was determined to make it work and sucked it up (and in) and he somehow managed to get 'er done.

except that we'd both forgotten that last year, one of the seams had started ripping open.  d-oh!

that's...not a good thing.  damn.  i'm not good at alterations nor am i willing to pay someone to fix it, so it's definitely going to be interesting next year when i try to squeeze into it yet again.

oh well.  maybe i'll discover another new fitness fave and whittle myself down into the right size over the next year.  i mean...it could happen.  hope springs eternal.

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