wan-na find something?

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

take me back to hawaii

when we were planning our hawaiian vacation this summer, i'd started doing a little research to find a good photographer to do our annual family shoot while in the islands.  i'd actually found a few that i liked and were actually available during our trip, but then one day as i was perusing the website for our hotel i discovered that there was a resort photographer.  it would be a super mini session - like 15-20 minutes - but i suppose we really didn't need much more than that anyway.  as the hub put it, we only needed one good shot for the wall and a couple of others for the christmas card.

as for attire, we decided to hit up one of the bazillion ABC stores in the area.  they carry cheap little dresses with bright hawaiian prints, and the hub had packed one of his favorite shirts to wear during the trip.  the old lady actually found her dress during the target run we did one day before breakfast, while the bean and i were successful at the ABC store next to the hotel.

i'm not gonna say that it was the most fantastic photo shoot experience ever - i was super conscious of the time limitations and that there were already tons of people on the beach to serve as our background - but for the price we paid and the convenience, it worked out just fine.

we used these on the christmas card:

the old lady and i love this picture.  cracks us up every time we look at it.

super duper cheesetastic:

the hub hates jumping pictures.  can you tell?

but considering we ran out of time for a shoot and ended up using a bunch of iPhone selfies on our card last year, this is a vast improvement.  i'm gonna call it a win.

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