wan-na find something?

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

namaste, suckas!

for our girl scout meeting last week, we found a local yoga instructor who was available to teach the girls a class on a rather last-minute basis.  i provided her with the requirements for the "staying fit" badge, and she said she'd be able to work with them to hit all of the points.  sweet.  and she even had a venue for us to use - a place with the most fantastic name ever:  feeling groovy wellness & cafe.  it looked just like you'd imagine a place called "feeling groovy" to look:

the girls hung out in the little waiting area/shop until everyone arrived and it was time for class.

the yoga room was super cute, spacious and perfect for an hour or so of calm relaxation and poses.

my co-leader and i mostly left the girls to enjoy the class without us hovering over them while we sat in the cafe and enjoyed some drinks and snacks.  i peeked a couple of times and they seemed to be doing just fine.

as we sat and enjoyed some time to chat and get caught up with each other, the owner of the cafe joined us.  she was really friendly and happy to answer all of our questions about the other services they provide:

and we learned all about some cannabis-based products that they sell.  these have all of the medicinal benefits of cannabis without actually "getting high," which is how i suppose they're able to get away with selling them here.  i don't actually know how all those laws work, but whatever.

and you can order a shot of "CBD" to be added to your drinks, which is apparently a natural painkiller that works really well.  she offered to put a drop on our finger to sample so we could see what it tasted like, and it was very...earthy?  a little nutty?  haha, how appropriate.

at the end of the class the girls rolled up their mats and put away their props and then held hands while in tree pose for our group photo:

the bean and one of the other girls actually enjoyed the class so much that they went back the next morning to take another, this time a family class incorporating yoga and a little art.  i'm kind of excited to see that she really liked it, and she's asked to go back again on a regular basis.  we've got some cheer-related commitments over the next three weeks, but when those are all done i'm definitely planning to take her again as long as they have the class.

so awesome.

1 comment:

i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...