wan-na find something?

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

eat, sleep, snow, repeat

we decided to venture out of the hotel for breakfast the next morning.  we'd seen a couple of fun-looking spots while out shopping in town the day before, so after getting ready for the day we headed on out.

we settled on persephone bakery, which looked super cute and had a pretty good-looking menu.

it was as small as it was cute, and it was pretty popular as people streamed in to grab coffees and pastries.  we managed to find a spot at the community table and sat down to wait for our food.

the hub enjoyed his dirty chai latte.

the truffled prosciutto sandwich was pretty much the best thing ever.

the bean had a basic croissant breakfast sandwich, and the hub went with the italian:

after our bellies were nice and warm, we decided to go for a nice drive.  the annual pass we bought for the national parks back in zion came in handy again as we entered grand teton national park.

we were only given access to about 26 miles' worth of the scenic roads, with the rest of the park and all of the services inside still closed down for the winter.  still, it was a pretty drive and we were hoping to come across some wildlife.

we were pretty excited when we spotted this fox, sitting there quietly watching us as intently as we stared at him.

and then we reached the turnaround point, just before we would have exited grand teton and moved up into yellowstone.  we were pretty bummed to miss it, because we were so close to old faithful and there was no way we could get in to see it.  oh well.

the bean knocked out in the back seat as we headed back towards the entrance to the park.

the hub really wanted to see a moose, and he was so stoked when he finally spotted one through the trees, standing there quietly munching on branches and snow.

and a little further down the road, before exiting the park we pulled over so the bean could get a little snow play in.  she was excited to get out and make some snowballs to hurl at her daddy and me.

and then she decided to sit down and make a snowman.  or, more accurately, a snow BB-8.

back at our hotel, we decided to hit up the mangy moose for dinner.

it was full of all sorts of antiques and fun stuff to look at all around us - on the walls, in the waiting area, even on the ceiling.

 it was a pretty simple menu:

we started with the crispy brussels sprouts, which people on yelp seemed to rave about.  i usually love brussels sprouts, but these were oily and soggy and not as delicious as i'd hoped.

the bean had gone with a simple burger and the hub chose something that just didn't photograph well at all, but i got a shot of my beef filet.  it was pretty tasty, which was a relief after those brussels sprouts.

after getting the bean and me settled back up in our room, the hub headed back down to the hotel bar to grab a drink and hang out a little.  he didn't stay long though, and came back up to watch some tv with me before we finally fell asleep.  it was our last night in jackson hole and our vacation was more than halfway over.  so sad.

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