wan-na find something?

Monday, April 2, 2018

taking care of the old lady from afar

we've been planning a super fun spring break road trip for the last few months, and it's hard to believe it's finally here.  but because the old lady only has so much vacation time - and doesn't love being in the car for long drives anyway - she opted to stay home with mollydog and save that time off for something more to her liking, maybe this summer.

and then i realized that we wouldn't be together for easter for the first time in - oh, i can't even tell you how long.  i knew i needed to come up with something fun for her in our absence, especially since sunday is one of her days off.  and because she and her special friend are knee-deep in a super strict meal plan, i knew i couldn't do a traditional easter egg hunt with candy and stuff like that.

so instead, i decided it would be way better to leave her with a little scavenger hunt.  after we got ourselves all packed and ready to head off on our trip, i sat down with a handful of envelopes and gift cards to places she'd enjoy.  inside her easter card i wrote this:

i placed the next card inside our "willy wonka" dvd:

and put it back in its place in the drawer.

the next one went here:

followed by this one:

the next card went in the pocket of my oldest disneyland jacket, one that the hub bought me when we were annual passholders back in like 2000:

and that one directed her to her sister's bed, where i taped the last gift to the back of the headboard.

i put her easter card in a spot where i knew she wouldn't miss it:

then we hopped into our rental car:

 and hit the road.

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