wan-na find something?

Thursday, May 17, 2018

buried alive in cookies

seems like a pretty good way to go, huh? well, sorta. i actually have so many fun things from the last couple of weeks to recap, but i'm swamped with lots and lots of cookies.  it was about 13 dozen last week and this week i'm working on like 19.  so many fun designs though, which is always super fun.

and since it's been awhile since i did a cookie roundup, i figured now's as good a time as any.

these are the ones i worked on yesterday, for a 50th birthday fiesta celebration.  those piƱatas were super fun to do.

these are for a little girl who's obsessed with "the greatest showman."

i had a blast working on these - these designs were very specifically chosen for a korean first birthday custom called doljabi.  the parents sit the baby down in front of several objects and have the baby pick one.  whichever one the baby chooses gives a prediction of their future.  and so they decided to incorporate the custom in cookie form:

also last week:

these were for a birthday party for someone who's a huge apple fan.

and these were included in acceptance baskets for a local private school.

a cheer celebration:

more milestone birthdays:

end-of-year party favors:

unicorns are still THE thing these days.  i'm actually surprised it took this long for someone to ask me to make some of these.

and more treats for all sorts of occasions.

and now i'm off to work on yet another big order with yet another new design i've never tackled before:  succulents.  i googled a bit and found some great ideas and tutorials, so i'm hopeful that these will be as cute as i'm picturing.

cross your fingers for me.

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um, i think.

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