wan-na find something?

Thursday, June 28, 2018

summer camp season is upon us

summer is just kind of sliding by us, with the days getting hotter and the bean enjoying her time off from school.  last week she got to do tennis camp at a local park, which she really liked.  and this week she finally started her first session of science camp at a local university.

i knew she was excited to start camp because she was finally going to get to hang out with a couple of her BFFs.  and at the end of the first day the report was positive - fun activities (including slime, which she somehow is still mildly obsessed with) and really good food in the cafeteria, which is included in the tuition cost.  i'd gotten a look at their menu online last week and was pretty impressed - there's a soup of the day, a deli counter to make your own sandwich, hot entrees, comfort foods, a grill station.  hell, i wanted to eat lunch with her.  and one morning, one of her friends rode in to camp with us:

after killing myself at yesterday's sports-themed orangetheory class:

she let me take a selfie as we walked to the building to check in for camp.

meanwhile, it's been kind of nice to have a few hours to myself while she's gone.  one day the old lady and i headed to a nail salon that finally opened nearby for a little relaxation.

and the hub enjoyed a few days in vegas, entering in the world series of poker and coming home with not only some fun swag but a little bit of cash in his pocket.

and he even brought home a treat for us - anytime one of us is near a bouchon bakery, it's kind of a given that we'll take home some of those delicious chocolate bouchons to share with everyone.

MIL arrived on tuesday to spend a few days with us before scooping up the bean to take her back to texas for a week.  it's grandma camp time!  she'll be gone all next week, so it'll be fun to see what kind of shenanigans the rest of us get up to while she's away.

gotta love summer vacation!

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