wan-na find something?

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

alexa who?

happy 4th of july!

to celebrate, i've got something fun for you...a giveaway!  it's been awhile since i did one of these, and i'm not even going to make you do anything weird to enter.

i have an amazon echo dot device that's just sitting in my office, unopened and unused (photo swiped from the google, of course).

poor alexa.  she gets no love in the house of wan.  the hub and i talked about busting her out and adding her to the family, but to be honest...we don't really have much use for her.  we don't have a lot of things in the house that she could control for us.  the house of wan is pretty low-tech compared to most.  and the hub isn't about to rewire all the electrical in the house just to make her work for us.

and so that means you get a chance to snag her for your own house, if you want her!  just leave a comment on this post and tell me what your first command to alexa would be, plus an email address so i can reach you if you're the winner.  we'll leave this open for - oh, let's say a week.  one post per person, US readers only.  you're welcome to share a link to this post if you think you have friends who might need an alexa in their lives, and make sure you enter by next wednesday - july 11th at noon pacific time.

cool?  okay!  good luck, and i'll post the winner next thursday morning!


  1. I would ask her to play Dolly Parton off my Amazon music! susan.p.baier at gmail

  2. Alexa, tell me how to hide from my kids. Ha! hbfoote at the hotmail (old school!)

  3. Alexa, what are you making my kids for dinner?!? :) nicolelynnroberts@gmail.com

  4. I would love one!! Hubby and I were just talking about how we needed one last night. My first command would probably be to ask something stupid like “what are you wearing?” Just to see what she says and because I am 12.

  5. I would love for Alexa to book me a flight to a tropical island, but it will probably be more like “Alexa, order snacks!”

    Ashley.johnstone1983 at gmail

  6. I would ask her to entertain my two year old. He's recently figured out he loves the song "Smoke on the Water, Fire in the Sky" ... and I could use a rest from playing it on my iPad non stop! SHINIANEN (at) HOTMAIL (dot) COM

  7. Alexa, please schedule a house cleaner...

  8. Alexa, how many diapers will baby Declan need in the first month of his life? kkc322 at gmail

  9. I would ask Alexa to play the Hamilton cast recording so I can watch my kids sing and dance to the beginning.
    Tamarafleishman at gmail

  10. My kids would definitely ask Alexa to play a song for them so they could sing and dance!
    Kristiz3 at hotmail dot com

  11. We don’t have Alexa but my IL’s do. The kids always ask her “Alexa, tell us a joke” and regardless of the joke, they fall on the floor holding their tummy’s, cracking up! It’s adorable!

    Lynn.kenna gmail !

  12. I would have Alexa play my Welcome to the Jungle channel on Pandora so my boys and I could dance around while cleaning. dawnroberts1975 @ Gmail dot com

  13. My 5 year old randomly requested that I sing "who let the dogs out" to her, so I would ask Alexa to play one hit wonders of the early 2000's. lauracbohan at gmail

  14. Me: Alexa, what’s for dinner?
    My son: Alexa, please fart. ��


  15. Alexa - fix my life

    Because that would work, right? Lol
    Nestjigs at gmail dot com

  16. I'd love to ask her to buy things on amazon for me! It's like having a personal shopper ;) beav1279 gmail com


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