wan-na find something?

Thursday, July 26, 2018

train to nowhere

so with the hub off to vegas for a cigar convention and the old lady packing for her big move, the bean and i found ourselves totally free one saturday morning.  i'd seen a post somewhere about a free summer train festival at union station that day, and when the bean expressed some interest in checking it out we decided to just go for it.

i dug out our metro rail cards and off we went to the local train station.

a little less than an hour later, we pulled into union station and made our way downstairs to see what there was to see.

it'd been awhile since we'd been here last - i think it was probably a year ago, for my cousin's wedding.  the room looked a little different from that day.

the bean decided to check out the virtual reality goggles, where she got to take a virtual ride on a swiss train.

a little further and we came across the huge displays of model trains.  the hub would've liked this...even if for like ten minutes.

this setup was particularly elaborate.

it wouldn't be a fun event without at least one cheesy photo op.

and some other stuff for the littles.

we went outside to check this out, but it was way too little kiddish for the bean.

so we stopped to grab some lunch at the crepe cafe, where the bean discovered the beauty that is nutella milk.

we decided to head downstairs to see if we could find the vintage train cars that were on display and found ourselves in an area of the station we'd never seen before.

the line to walk through those vintage train cars was insanely long.

neither of us was interested enough to wait for that amount of time, so we found something else to check out even though we weren't at all hungry.

 the bonus was that while we didn't get to actually go inside the trains, we at least got to see them from the outside.  and it looked rather miserable in there anyway, as people slogged through the cars dragging their kids behind them at a glacial pace.  we were much better off.

 and then we were over it and found our way back inside to catch the train back to our car.

it was a fun outing, and maybe we'll take another ride on the train to do fun stuff downtown before school starts.  which is in like two and a half weeks.  yikes.  where on earth did summer GO??

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