wan-na find something?

Monday, November 26, 2018

all about that christmas hustle

whew...it's been a pretty hectic few days!  actually, it's been hectic for a couple of weeks, but i guess that really isn't anything new around here.

i happened to post this picture of an elf on the shelf-sized sweater:

and that shit TOOK. OFF.  i bought a few elf "blanks" to use for a display, so i tried one on to make sure it fit:

and then i was doing this for a couple of days.

i'm still working on orders, with a few to ship out and a bunch to meet up with local moms for deliveries.  but at just $5 a pop, i'm also working on lots of other things too.  here's a closeup of one of those pairs of ears the girls and i wore to the 'land last week:

and look how fun this is...a cute way to give someone a starbucks gift card:

my embroidery machine is working lots of overtime these days, because i'm signed up for a table at a christmas boutique at the bean's school that's coming up really fast - december 7th.  i'm trying to crank out lots of inventory in the hopes that people will come by and do some gift shopping, and the bean is going to make several kinds of slime to sell.  she's so excited, and i hope her half of the table is super successful.

so if you need me, i'll likely be hunched over the table in my sewing room for the next week and a half.  heh.

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um, i think.

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