wan-na find something?

Friday, November 9, 2018

getting dressed up is always fun

it's been a pretty crazy week, full of all sorts of fun stuff.  first, the bean's cheer team finally unveiled their new uniform for this season, and it is super cute:

they've been gearing up for their first showcase this weekend, which is also team picture day, so the uniforms arrived just in time.  she likes it more than last year's version, and i think i agree with her.  i can't wait to see the teams perform together with them on.

i busted out my favorite voting t-shirt for election day.  the hub was all, "you have a special shirt for voting?" and i was like, "duh...i have a tee for pretty much everything."

i shared a picture on instagram and tagged the local news station, who reposted it a couple of hours later.  heh.

when the old lady got out of work, she took the bean with her to the polls and even let her poke one of the holes in her ballot.  the volunteers at the polling center happily handed her an "i voted" sticker, and she was pretty stoked about it.  we headed off to the mall to run a few errands and grab some dinner afterwards, and for dessert we stopped at the girls' favorite ice cream kiosk.

this month's spirit day at school was "decade day" - you know, like 50s would be poodle skirts and collared shirts, for 60s you could dress as a hippie, 70s would be bell bottoms...you get the picture.  we debated between a few ideas and then ended up settling on something that would be super comfy: 90s grunge.  we picked up a nirvana tee from hot topic, a pair of boot-cut jeans and a stretchy choker necklace, and pulled out my old flannel button-down and the old lady's doc marten boots.

that morning, we rushed through a quickie black nail polish paint job that i promised we'd take off before cheer practice:

and voila:

never mind that she had no idea who nirvana was, and didn't get that true grunge girls didn't smile for pictures.  and while we had her pack an extra pair of shoes for when the ever-so-slightly-too-tight docs got too heavy and uncomfortable, she hung in there and wore them all day long.  such a trooper.

and to cap off the week of dress-up, her cheer team split the girls up into teams for a round of "color wars."  each team wore a color from head to toe - blue, red, yellow or green - and then after a quick practice at the gym they got to play all sorts of fun team bonding-type activities.  i'd hit up party city for all of her gear, including some green temporary hair spray that she was super excited for.  "i never get to color my hair, mom, thanks!"

once she put all of the pieces on, i got her to stop for a second and pose for me.  i thought she looked adorable:

but whyyyyyyyyy does she look so grown-up in that picture?  whyyyyyyyyy?

she's definitely not a baby anymore. well, she'll always be MY baby.  but yeah.  sigh.

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