wan-na find something?

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

here we go...

so i mentioned that i'm going to be selling my handmade wares at a christmas boutique at the bean's school next week, right?  i thought about signing up for it back when this school year first started and there was some chatter about the boutique at the first room parents' meeting.  i was trying to get the bean to put together some of her cute little hand sewn creatures, but she's so busy with cheer and school and tutoring and everything else that she hadn't had time to sit down and crank any out.  but then she came up with a plan B:  selling her homemade slime.  i don't know how we didn't think of it sooner, considering that the kid is a freaking slime connoisseur.  heh.

i realized then that it was probably a good time to finally make myself a business name and slap together a quick logo so i could have some business cards and stickers to put on my stuff.  i asked the hub to throw some ideas together for me as to what i could call myself, and while the girls and i stood in line at disneyland one day the old lady pulled up a quickie logo generator website and showed me some fun ideas.  when we got home, i pulled it into photoshop and tweaked it a little, and voila:

while we were at it, we decided to use this for the bean:

she's super stoked.  unlike her sister, who bristled anytime anyone in the real world called her "the teen," she practically beams with pride at the knowledge that she has an internet alias.  we ordered her some custom stickers for her slime containers and she was over the moon when they arrived in the mail.

so now i have an instagram account that i can post all my stuff to, and i can keep it all separate from my personal account so that people don't roll their eyes when i talk about sewing or cookies or whatever.  i got myself a twitter handle too, along with a facebook page that i haven't promoted yet.  and now i'm debating whether or not i want to do an etsy store or just set up a website using shopify.  so many things to think about!  not to mention...i think this means that now all of the crafting supplies equipment i pick up are going to be write-off...able.  right?  i don't know.  i better talk to our accountant about that before i get excited.

in any case...yay!  i'm pretty excited about all this.  out of all the home-based business ideas i've had (and there have been a LOT, from MLMs in the 90s to wedding planning, a short-lived travel agency, custom invitations, stella & dot jewelry and now cookies and handmade sewn items), i think this one will be the most fun for me.  and to think...it really started back when i was making and selling those mermaid tail blankets a few christmas seasons ago.  and unlike those other ventures, i'm really just doing this for fun.  it's not a get-rich-quick scheme or even something i'm trying to make actual money from.  that makes it all so way better.

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um, i think.

january dumpin’

i know, i know.  i’m terrible at blogging these days, even though i still take pictures of everything i do with the intent of sharing here a...