wan-na find something?

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

family photo shoot time!

for this year's family photo shoot, i found a photographer through one of the local mom's facebook groups i'm in.  i'd seen posts of other family shoots she'd done and everyone raved about her, so when i saw her post availability for 30-minute mini shoots i decided to go for it.  not to mention, her rate was insanely low and she was shooting at a park using a cute little setup her husband built for her.  i showed the picture of the setup to the hub and the old lady, and after i got their stamps of approval i went ahead and booked it.

the hub requested that we dress up for our photos this time around, which we haven't done in a few years.  i'm always down for a good excuse to wear a fun dress and break out the shoes with the red bottoms.  but of course, on the day of the shoot i was battling a pretty hard core breakout right above my lip that i knew was going to require a little photoshop magic.  blech.

also, with our sweet mollydog on the decline, we decided to scoop her up and take her with us so we could get some nice pictures with her.  as much as it sucks, this is likely going to be our last christmas with her, and at least we'll have had some good family photos with her in them.

we managed to get through all of the shots we wanted to capture in about 20 minutes, and in even that short amount of time our photographer managed to snap off quite a few shots.  here's a handful of my favorites:

this should have been really cute, but instead it made the old lady look isolated from the rest of us. bummer.

the obligatory "look at each other and laugh" shot.

i couldn't believe that while the rest of us got to pose with molly individually, we didn't get a picture of the bean with her.  dang it.  although i gotta say...the hub's is my favorite.  hahahahahahaha.

speaking of the hub, he had a mini shoot of his very own not too long ago.  he desperately needed to update his professional headshots, and from the looks of these pictures he had a little fun in front of the camera:

he's such a goofball, and i wouldn't have it any other way.

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