wan-na find something?

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

lucky 13

about thirteen-ishyears ago, we sent out this little box to our families and closest friends and invited them to join us as we vowed to love and cherish each other forever.

and then thirteen years ago today, we stood together at this beautiful spot in maui and became a family.

we had some cake (okay, this is from our at-home reception, but it still counts and especially because my hair and makeup was so much better than on our actual wedding day, heh):

did a little dance:

and walked off hand-in-hand to see what the future had in store for us.

since then, he's made so many of my dreams come true, and we've shared enough laughter and tears to fill a hundred lifetimes.  he's the best partner in life i could have ever asked for, and i can't imagine spending a single day without him in it.

happy anniversary to my best friend, my love, my lobster.  thank you for everything you do for us, and thank you for putting up with my shenanigans and still coming home at the end of every day.  i can only hope that i bring half as much joy to you as you do to me.

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i heart comments. i wan-na hear what you have to say.
um, i think.

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