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Friday, February 22, 2019

one more day

so, yeah.  our vet is coming to the house tomorrow to help us say goodbye to our molly.

it's been over a year since she was first diagnosed with that kidney failure, which means it's been more than a year of taking her in every other day for her doggy dialysis.  that, along with the meds she was taking orally twice a day plus all the extra love and attention we were lavishing on her seemed to keep her going.  most days it was hard to believe that her little body was giving up, as she'd attack her food bowl and jump up and run around in circles or hop to attention and snarl at stevie when he'd come to visit.

but when we got home after a visit with the hub's brother (more on that later), we noticed a very obvious and visible decline.  not to mention, she'd lost most of her interest in eating over the previous week or so.  she's lost so much weight that she's literally half the dog she used to be, and it seemed like she just wasn't happy anymore.  she wasn't finding joy in anything, and instead of living she's merely existing.  that's no way to live.  and it seems even more awful to keep her alive and watch her continue to decline.  the hub, the girls and i talked it through and came to the decision as a family that it's time to let her go.  there've been lots of tears and sobbing in the house over the last few days, as you can imagine.

although this made us laugh - she got up yesterday to take her twice-daily walk around the house, wobbling unsteadily on her poor little legs, and right as i went to snap a picture of her she did this:

poor thing.  she's so out of it that she literally just lets it fly wherever she happens to be at the moment.  we've had to be on land mine watch anytime we walk around the house, especially if we've left for any amount of time, because puddles and little tiny specks of poop could be anywhere.

we love her so much, and we have one precious day left to share with her.  she gives us this funny little smile when she looks at us, and it's as if she knows what's going to happen soon.

please think of sweet little molly tomorrow around 4:30.  that's when we'll be saying our final goodbyes and letting her go to find her joy across that rainbow bridge.


  1. OMG, that smile! <3 Sending much love to you all. xoxo

  2. Will be thinking of you all and Molly. Say goodbye to her for me.

  3. Sending love your way. We had to say goodbye to our 16 year old kitty late last year and it was harder than I imagined.


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