wan-na find something?

Friday, February 15, 2019

we love love day

valentine's day was quite the whirlwind of activity.  after making sure i had everything for the class party all packed and ready to go, i took mollydog for her doggy dialysis, dropped her off back at home, headed back out in the pouring rain to pick up some last minute valentine's gifts and then went out for a quick lunch with the hub.  from there he helped me grab 5 dozen donuts from krispy kreme and 4 whole pizzas at costco, and then i took everything to school.

our teachers had secured the presentation room for our party, and i had the perfect amount of time to get the tablecovers on, put the bookmarks at each seat, and set out the pizza and paper goods.  ready to party:

we had just under an hour for the kids to enjoy some pizza (which was great timing because lunchtime is at 11:15, and they were good and hungry by 2:00), pass out their valentines and play a game using these items:

yup, you guessed it - the old donut on a string game.  it was pretty comical.

as soon as the final bell rang, i grabbed the bean and we ran out of there to drive out to arcadia for her ortho appointment.

i was dreading the traffic for the way home, but the rain finally stopped and the sun came out, which seemed to make everyone happy and we were home in less than half the time i'd anticipated.  sweet!  this gave us time to run to the hallmark store for some cards and then go home and relax for a bit.

funny, i was so busy all day that this was the only picture i actually took with anyone:

the hub came home with flowers for all.

he fired up the barbecue to get those gigantic tomahawk ribeye steaks on the grill, and we finished them off in the oven along with some roasted asparagus.

bummer for me, though - that 500-degree oven ended up melting my lashes, which sucks.  i guess you can't tell from a distance, but they're all clumpy and hard to comb out.  first world problem, i know, but gah - my next fill isn't till mid next week.  waaah.

the bean received some fun little gifts from us:

as did her sister.  this is a super fun eyeshadow palette that i've been eyeing for ages, and i knew she'd love it.

ah, yes. another love day in the books. next up, corned beef brisket and cabbage for st. paddy's day!

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