wan-na find something?

Thursday, March 28, 2019

sew much fun

it seems like i haven't been able to do a ton of sewing lately, which is kind of sad.  i have a huge stash of fabric that i'd love to put a dent in, and a whole bunch of fun patterns i'd like to sew up for me and the girls.  plus with the change in season, i can start focusing on warmer weather wear again.  i'm not super excited for the heat, but it will be fun to sew up some fun dresses and swimwear.  and this year it doesn't even matter if i screw up any of those swimwear pieces because we have our own pool now!  woohoo!

although i was finally able to use up a cute fabric panel i'd been holding onto for a couple of years.  and with the bean getting ready to bridge from junior level of girl scouts up to cadettes in a few weeks, this really was my last chance to use it.  and so one day while she was at school i sewed up a quick raglan top that she put on for that evening's cookie booth:

i'd committed to participating in an activewear capsule challenge with one of my favorite pattern designers, and of course i ended up putting it off to almost the very last minute to be able to make my pieces.  the requirement was pretty easy - only 3 pieces - and i managed to eke them out with a few days to spare.  i tried out a new workout leggings pattern using some solid black supplex and some disney floral fabric i'd been hoarding for a couple of years, and while they're far from perfect they're pretty comfy and i love them.  plus, pockets!  i tested them out at an orangetheory class and was really excited that they held up just fine.

this was my official entry into the contest - a tie-back tank using some athleisure fabric i'd found at joann's, plus another new pants pattern that i ended up liking much more than the first one and a new sports bra pattern that my friend amber swore by.  it's a pretty easy pattern with great results, and it looks a lot like something you'd pick up at lululemon or athleta.

i decided to experiment with some color blocking for this top - something i don't typically do because i'm lazy, but i do like how this one turned out.  this is a basic raglan top with the sleeves pieced together and a matching neckband:

oh, and a trip to home goods with the hub ended with me taking this home to hang up in the sewing room...because it's totally appropriate.  the bean just shook her head when she saw it.

my embroidery machine got some love in the last few weeks too.  and of course, they're both things i plan to use at disneyland.  look at how fun this water bottle holder keychain is:

yes, that most certainly IS a pacifier holder...but it also works perfectly for holding a water bottle.  that's going to go onto whatever backpack i take to the parks this summer.

and this one is such a great idea, i bought the file as soon as it became available.  there are plenty of times when the girls or i will wear some super cute ears to the park and get tired of them after awhile.  this will hold those ears pretty snugly and attach to a bag easily...genius.

the actual piece looks like this:

and oh, by the way...that tote i have it attached to in the photo?  well, about a week after molly passed away i got one of those promo emails from kate spade with new arrivals.  one of the items was that tote bag - called the "molly" and available in several colors, including white and pink.  while a white handbag probably isn't the smartest idea in all the land, with a little nudge from the old lady i ordered it and now whenever i carry it around it will be like having my doggy with me.  awwwwww.

speaking of doggies, i just downloaded a pattern for a dog t-shirt that i can't wait to sew up for stevie. i have so much fun fabric i can pick from, and it looks like a super easy sew.  

stay tuned.

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